dating as an ambitious person

Why Dating As An Ambitious Person Can Be Hard (And How To Make It Easier)


Dating can be challenging for anyone. But dating as an ambitious person comes with some unique challenges that can make it even more difficult.

Here are some reasons why it can be hard to date and meet someone you click with when you’re ambitious, and tips on how to make it easier.

You’re selective about how you spend your time

You’re well aware of how precious time is and don’t want to just “pass time” with anyone. You prefer to work on your business, read, catch up with a friend, spend time on a hobby. Or even relax alone, rather than being on an average date that doesn’t add any value to your life.

Modern dating especially, even if it’s fun – with so many different apps and options, it takes time.

Being so comfortable in your own company makes it easy to say no to people and dates that don’t make you excited. It can feel disappointing when you don’t meet anyone that you really click with. Saying no it’s great though. It gives you more time for things that are important to you Including dates with people you actually want to spend time with!

You have high standards

digital nomads feel lonely Photo credit: Jacob Vizek on Unsplash

You’re used to setting high standards for yourself and know your worth. Therefore, you also have high standards for the people you choose to date. The majority don’t live up to these, and that’s ok. Sometimes this can be tricky and you might feel a bit conflicted. You meet a good person but he/she doesn’t match your standards, and you know it. Again…

You’ve worked hard on yourself and your goals and look for someone who also has their shit together. Don’t feel bad for getting turned off by those who don’t. Just like Bugatti wouldn’t feel bad for turning down a “potential buyer” who only has a budget for a second-hand Volvo from 1991. When it comes to dating, it’s not about the money. It could be other areas. Like lack of interesting conversations, personal development, values, not feeling it, or you name it.

Sometimes you are simply playing in different leagues.

It can be hard to find like-minded people

As an ambitious person, you often have a strong drive to achieve your goals. Sometimes, you might prioritize your career or personal aspirations over dating. This can make it harder to find time to date. It can be challenging to find someone like-minded who shares similar priorities, or at least understands and supports your goals.

If you’re meeting people who don’t prioritize their careers or have different ambitions, you may feel like you don’t match. If you’re looking for someone who is ambitious or accomplished, it can be challenging. There are simply fewer options!

If you get turned on by personality, interesting conversations, and genuine connections, sometimes the whole dating landscape can also feel a bit superficial, and even bore you.

Some people may feel threatened by you

digital nomads feel lonely Photo credit: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Some people may feel threatened by your ambition. Worrying that your career goals will leave little room for a relationship, or that they won’t be able to keep up with your pace. This can lead to misunderstandings and difficulties in finding a compatible partner.

There are also still expectations and stereotypes that suggest that women should down-prioritize their careers for their relationships, or that successful women are intimidating or unapproachable. This can make it harder for especially ambitious women to find good matches.

How to meet interesting people as an ambitious person

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Meeting a high-quality match who meets your expectations as an ambitious person can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Here are some tips.

Focus on your social circle and upgrade your network

Friends and people within your industry/field can be a great source for meeting potential partners who share your interests and values. If you focus on growing your network with people who inspire you that you enjoy spending time with, you will over time naturally meet more like-minded people.

Try the apps, but learn how to filter

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Online dating platforms can be a great way to meet people outside of your social circle. While there are a lot of people who talk these down, you can find all kinds of people on them. The secret to good dating is filtering! When creating your profile, be clear about your values and interests, and be selective about the people you choose to chat with and meet.

Be proactive

Don’t be afraid to take initiative and approach someone you’re interested in. If you rarely meet people who you find genuinely interesting, why not use the opportunity when you do and see where it goes?

Be clear about your expectations

Being honest about your expectations and goals early on as you date will save you and the people you meet a lot of time. If you’re looking for a partner who shares your drive and ambition, make that clear from the beginning. If you’re just looking for amazing chemistry and an adventure, just say so. If you don’t know yet, that’s fine too. Just be direct about it.

Be intentional, patient and trust the process 😉

Finding a high-quality partner can take time, so be patient and don’t settle for someone who doesn’t meet your expectations. Every moment you spend with someone who isn’t right for you, is time that could be spent meeting someone who is a better match, or on other priorities.

Continue to prioritize your own goals and interests, and trust that the right person will come along. Learn what you want and what you want to avoid. Experiment with different ways, challenge your own criteria and preferences. As Einstein puts it, if you keep on doing the same thing – it’d be insane to expect a different result.

It’s natural that dating takes time and effort

digital nomads feel lonely Photo credit: Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Remember that finding someone who shares your values and ambitions can take time and effort. You may need to expand your social circle, explore new hobbies or interests, or approach dating with a more open mindset.

Check in with yourself and make sure that you’re not setting unrealistic standards.

Every person is different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to finding a great match. It’s important to stay true to yourself and your own values and to approach dating with an open mind and a willingness to explore new possibilities.

Whether you’re looking for a little fling, long-term, or something in between – enjoy the process. 😉

Have you experienced any of these challenges? Would you like to add any tips? 

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