You’ve created a high-quality piece of content. It’s on-brand, backed by data, and speaks to your audience.
The CTA is more inviting than a Frozen Margarita on a sunny day.
Here is the thing, unless you can get your content in front of the right target group, it is useless – and all your hard work was for nothing.
While many see the value of content marketing, few spend time on content promotion.
Here are 10 easy ways to promote content to boost your traffic.
1. Reach out to brands with a similar audience
A short and sweet message saying why their target group, which also happens to be yours, will find it useful usually does the trick. Complementing service providers that run social channels and email programs with good engagement is a good place to start.
2. Track down those who have shared similar content
Use hashtags or a tool like Buzzsumo to see who has shared similar content and is likely to share yours as well. Reach out with a personal message highlighting why they will like it. You can automate this with tools such as Klaviyo, Hubspot, or ActiveCampaign
3. Ask experts mentioned to share
If you’re featuring any expert input – ask everyone mentioned to share. You can also plan for this ahead by making sure that you get quotes from respected people in your field.
4. Promote it on your website and in your email signature
Promote the content on relevant pages on your website, social media banners, and in your email signature. You can for example link to it from other articles, thank you pages, and experiment with different pop-ups.
5. Ask your team to share across their channels
If relevant to their network. Simply send them a short email with a template message they can use to share the content across their channels. This also goes for industry influencers, contacts, and partners who are likely to find it valuable.
6. Engage in relevant forums, blogs, and groups on social
Photo credit: Cookie the Pom on Unsplash
Answer questions and be genuinely helpful. Link to the content if it makes sense and adds value to the conversation. Don’t be too salesly and make sure you follow the rules (some social media groups don’t allow promotion).
7. Run paid ads and use retargeting
Zoom in on people who’ve visited your website but haven’t subscribed to your content yet, and people who follow relevant industry pages.
8. Create additional formats and link to the main content
An infographic with the key points or a short video where you talk about the top insights? Only your creativity sets the limit!
9. Set up promotion partnerships with others in your industry
Get interviewed on their podcast and let them guest blog on your website etc. If you’re promoting a specific product, you can also add a commission to spice up the deal.
10. Do the most obvious stuff
Such as sharing it across your social networks and email. But you had this one covered already. ? If your content covers a niche topic that isn’t relevant to everyone on your email list, you’ll usually get a better return by segmenting it well (based on for example previous purchases, engagement rates, etc.), rather than sending it to everyone.
Lastly – experiment and learn from what works. The most exciting part about content creation and promotion is the flexibility and how fast it changes. Have fun with it.
Not spending time on content promotion is one of the most common marketing mistakes. What’s your best content promotion tip?