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Lifestyle Design

Inspiring you to live an intentional life you’re excited about

Do you feel stuck in a boring routine? It doesn’t have to be that way.

Imagine living a life aligned with your values, passions, and priorities, while doing work you really enjoy. Living a life aligned with who you are, that allows you to grow professionally and personally, while following your curiosity.

What makes my lifestyle content unique

  • I’ve invested a lot of time into understanding how one can optimize various areas in life. How to live as your authentic self, become more productive, develop quality relationships, make an impact, and design a lifestyle that makes you happy. My content is a summary of what I’ve learned. It’s always action-oriented and often backed by comprehensive research mixed with personal experiences.
  • I’ve been location-independent and traveled full-time while building my business since 2016, with many learnings, ups, and downs along the way! You’ll find everything from how to figure out what you want and make it happen to tips on challenging stereotypes, embracing discomfort, empowering mindsets, and more.
  • The beauty of an intentional lifestyle is that it’s personal. While I’ve embraced full-time travel (for now), your ideal lifestyle might mean more time in your hometown or a dreamy base in Rio – the choice is yours. It’s not about travel, it’s about designing a lifestyle aligned with who you are. 

Wondering how aligned your lifestyle is with your goals and values? Take this 5-minute self-assessment to find out!

How do I know it’s time for a change?

How do I know it’s time for a change?

Time for a change?

Sometimes, realizing you need a change isn’t about dramatic dissatisfaction or a major life crisis. Often, it’s more subtle. Like a persistent feeling that something isn’t quite right, even though on paper, everything looks fine.

You might have a good job, a nice apartment, life is kind of ok – but something is missing…

These tips help you get more clarity.

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Reasons Why You Feel Lost In Life (And How To Improve)

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How do I know it’s time for a change?

Time for a change?

Sometimes, realizing you need a change isn’t about dramatic dissatisfaction or a major life crisis. Often, it’s more subtle. Like a persistent feeling that something isn’t quite right, even though on paper, everything looks fine.

You might have a good job, a nice apartment, life is kind of ok – but something is missing…

These tips help you get more clarity.

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How do I know it’s time for a change?

How do I know it’s time for a change?

Time for a change?

Sometimes, realizing you need a change isn’t about dramatic dissatisfaction or a major life crisis. Often, it’s more subtle. Like a persistent feeling that something isn’t quite right, even though on paper, everything looks fine.

You might have a good job, a nice apartment, life is kind of ok – but something is missing…

These tips help you get more clarity.

The Future of Work: What Changes To Expect And How To Prepare

The Future of Work: What Changes To Expect And How To Prepare

The future of work is a topic on many people’s minds these days.

With rapid advancements in technology, automation, and the gig economy, it’s clear that the way we work is changing.

But what can we expect in the coming years, and how can you prepare for these changes?

7 Fascinating Ways Remote Work Transforms The Way We Live

7 Fascinating Ways Remote Work Transforms The Way We Live

Remote work is about much more than where and how you choose to work. It has opened up a world of possibilities where you no longer are tied to one location, and contributes to a significant shift in how we look at life. The following are a few ways remote work transforms the way we live.

How to Live as Your True Self: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Live as Your True Self: A Step-by-Step Guide

Would you like to live as your true self, but don’t know where to start? Then this is for you. I’ll share tips on how to figure out who you are and what you want from life, and how to go after it. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.

roadtripping spain samira holma

Wine tastes even better when surrounded by these views. Requena, Spain.

Hi there

I’m Samira

I’m an entrepreneur in place development, marketing and lifestyle design. I help purpose-driven brands and places that prioritize community, culture, and meaningful experiences improve and grow their impact. From identifying the right audience and creating irresistible offers in collaboration with local entrepreneurs, to developing vibrant communities where locals, remote workers and visitors can connect, to specific marketing campaigns.

Always with a focus on strategies that support local communities, inspire intentional living and genuine connection.

I also help ambitious people who want to design an intentional, free lifestyle aligned with who they are. I’ve been location-independent since 2016 and learned a lot along the way about how to challenge stereotypes and create life that feels more meaningful and authentic.

So far, I’ve visited 50+ countries, while helping some of the biggest brands in the world, local entrepreneurs and places from Europe to Latin America. I’ve inspired thousands of people to experience more and live in alignment with who they are – and this is only the beginning.

Reach out to me with questions or sign-up to get monthly inspiration to upgrade your life and business. If you’re an exciting place or brand looking to work together, you can also learn more about what that is like over here.

roadtripping spain samira holma

Roadtripping in Spain.

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