Stockholm’s gastronomy scene is innovative and diverse – and enough reason to come here alone. After having lived in the city for years, here are some of our favorite restaurants in Stockholm.
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Food & Drinks
Everything related to food and drinks. Such as best places to eat, restaurants, trends within gastronomy, and more.
The Business Benefits Of Remote Work: Why Companies Must Adjust
More people and companies are realizing the benefits of remote work. And while what one prefer is subjective, one thing is for sure – the way we work will never be the same.
What are the business benefits of remote work?
Let’s look at what research says.
The Future of Work: What Changes To Expect And How To Prepare
The future of work is a topic on many people’s minds these days.
With rapid advancements in technology, automation, and the gig economy, it’s clear that the way we work is changing.
But what can we expect in the coming years, and how can you prepare for these changes?
Content Promotion Done Right: 10 Easy Ways To Get Your Content In Front Of The Right Audience
You’ve created a high-quality piece of content. It’s on-brand, backed by data, and speaks to your audience. The CTA is more inviting than a Frozen Margarita on a sunny day. Here is the thing, unless you can get your content in front of the right target group, it is useless – and all your hard work was for nothing. While many see the value of content marketing, few spend time on promotion. Here are 10 easy ways to promote content to boost your traffic.
6 Of The Most Common Content Marketing Mistakes To Avoid (And What To Do Instead)
From MNCs to start-ups, these are 6 of the most common content marketing mistakes we see again and again. You might have the best intentions when creating content, but if you’re not careful, you could be making one (or more) of these content marketing mistakes without even realizing it.
14 Apps For Remote Workers To Make Your Life Easier And More Productive
From collaboration tools and project management to social networks, these my favorite apps for remote workers. All of them offer free versions!
Signs You’re Not Targeting The Right Customers (+ 6 Common Segmentation Mistakes To Avoid )
Effective targeting is the soul of every successful business. It’s a crowded market! For your business to do well, you better be targeting the right customers. Here are signs that you don’t and common segmentation mistakes to avoid.
12 Productivity Tips: Get More Done In Less Time And Scale Your Business
There is a difference between being productive and being busy. Productivity is not about how many hours you spend working, but the number of significant results you get. Are you spending your time right? Here are 12 productivity tips you can implement today.
How To Optimize Old Content And Multiply Your Website Traffic
I’ve more than doubled my clients’ website traffic simply by optimizing content they already have.
Historical Optimization, as it’s also known, is the process of updating your existing content (product/landing pages, blog posts, etc.) to improve the impact of your website.
Let’s look at why optimizing older content is important, and how you too can increase your website traffic by being creative with your current content.
This Is When To Update Your Website Content For Greatest Result
You already know that you should keep your website content fresh and up-to-date. But how do you...
Wine tastes even better when surrounded by these views. Requena, Spain.
Hi there
I’m Samira
I’m an entrepreneur in place development, marketing and lifestyle design. I help purpose-driven brands and places that prioritize community, culture, and meaningful experiences improve and grow their impact. From identifying the right audience and creating irresistible offers in collaboration with local entrepreneurs, to developing vibrant communities where locals, remote workers and visitors can connect, to specific marketing campaigns.
Always with a focus on strategies that support local communities, inspire intentional living and genuine connection.
I also help ambitious people who want to design an intentional, free lifestyle aligned with who they are. I’ve been location-independent since 2016 and learned a lot along the way about how to challenge stereotypes and create life that feels more meaningful and authentic.
So far, I’ve visited 50+ countries, while helping some of the biggest brands in the world, local entrepreneurs and places from Europe to Latin America. I’ve inspired thousands of people to experience more and live in alignment with who they are – and this is only the beginning.
Reach out to me with questions or sign-up to get monthly inspiration to upgrade your life and business. If you’re an exciting place or brand looking to work together, you can also learn more about what that is like over here.
Roadtripping in Spain.