Everyone is talking about being happy, but do we really know what happiness is?
If you ask someone to describe happiness they are likely to struggle. But how can you look for something, or create something, when you’re not sure what it is?
While there might not be one universally accepted answer, a few definitions of happiness might make things easier for us! Let’s have a look at different approaches to happiness and what makes us happy – according to research.
Happiness According
To The Dictionaries
Britannica defines happiness as “…a state of emotional well-being that a person experiences either in a narrow sense, when good things happen in a specific moment, or more broadly, as a positive evaluation of one’s life and accomplishments overall—that is, subjective well-being.”
A more straightforward definition is provided by Merriam-Webster, where happiness is described as “a state of well-being and contentment. “
Oxford Languages has an even simpler definition where they define happiness as “the state of being happy” (that clarified a lot, right? ?)
Based on these definitions alone, we may conclude that happiness is connected to positive experiences resulting in feeling content with life in general. While they give us an idea about what happiness is, it’s still very broad!
Let’s dive into the school of positive psychology to elaborate on the concept of happiness further.
What Is Happiness According To Psychology?
Did you know that one of the significant aims of positive psychology is to explain what happiness is? The contributors to this branch of psychology define happiness as a state of well-being where one lives a meaningful life.
While there are different theories that go more into depth on what a meaningful life is, two common aspects are: an understanding of one’s life and the belief that life itself is meaningful. This indicates that happiness is very subjective.
What makes you happy may not necessarily do the same for me.
Regardless of individual differences, studies have defined a few factors that generally make people feel good about their life situations. More about that in a second!
First, let’s have a quick look at the different types of happiness.
The 7 Different Types of Happiness To Pursue
According to ancient philosophical perspectives, happiness can be broadly classified into two categories. The first is where the focus is on the outcome that aligns with your expectations and requirements.
Whereas the second category of happiness focuses on you simply existing in the present, independent of external factors. Happiness in this context stems from inside us, which allows us to be happy with the way life unfolds.
One may argue that the first category has a more worldly element and the second category has a more spiritual element.
We can further divide happiness into seven different types based on these two categories:
1. Joy
Joy is the feeling you experience when something great happens to you in the present moment. It may also be a by-product of gratefulness.
2. Gratitude
Gratitude is the happiness you feel when you analyze the blessings and opportunities you have to live a life that’s true to your values.
3. Love
Rather than a type of happiness, people mostly assume love to be a source of happiness instead. Either way, it is a feeling that’s primarily characterized by happiness.
4. Pride
This type of happiness stems from the milestones you achieve during your lifetime. It is not to be confused with arrogance or vanity.
5. Contentment
The act of simply being at peace with how your life situations unfold defines the fifth type of happiness: contentment.
6. Excitement
Excitement is another type of happiness that one experiences mostly during new beginnings or when something out of the routine/ordinary happens.
7. Optimism
Optimism can be best described as a combination of pride and gratitude. This type is also considered a great approach towards living life.
An experience that makes you feel any of these 7 different emotions may very well be a type of happiness. Additionally, you may experience various kinds of happiness at the same time. There really is no limit to how happy you can be!
6 Universal Factors That Make Us Happy
From watching cute cat videos to that first cup of coffee in the morning, we all have our own list of things that make us happy. However, research states that the following things tend to be universal for most of us when feeling good about our existence.
1. Meaningful And Deep Relationships With Others
The stronger our relationships with other people, the happier we’re likely to be.
This is not just an opinion, it’s science!
A Harvard study concludes that we enjoy better physical and mental health when our social relationships are taken care of. Not only do they consider “embracing community” to be a significant contributor to happiness, but they also consider it to be a viable element that may help you live longer!
Even without wealth, you can still enjoy deep, meaningful relationships and all kinds of happiness by surrounding yourself with the people you love.
2. Living Purposefully And Gratefully
A life without direction can be incredibly challenging. When you don’t know which path you are supposed to be on, it’s easy to feel lost.
One factor that constitutes happiness is living life purposefully and true to yourself. This means dealing with life situations in ways that align with your values. To find your purpose in life, explore your interests, priorities, and adopt a growth mindset.
Instead of questioning why you don’t have something, look at what you can do with the things you already have. When we always focus on the next thing, we miss out on the beauty and the people around us now. Be present and enjoy who you are and what you have at this moment.
When you change how you look at life, your reality changes too. Perspective is everything!
3. Embrace Giving And Being Kind
Life presents challenges, and we are all tested at some point. However, if we make an effort to be just a little gentler towards each other, we can help alleviate a significant part of this universal suffering. Before you judge, remember that you never know someone’s story!
What is happiness in life may very well be answered simply by being kind to one another. This could be as simple as respecting someone’s boundaries or honoring a secret they trusted you with.
Several studies have also pointed out giving to others as one of the greatest happiness triggers. This could range from spoiling your best friend, to volunteering or just listening to someone.
4. Cultivating A Sense Of Accountability
It’s easy to blame external factors for something that happens to you or for how you feel. However, when you do, you give up control of your life and the possibility to improve your circumstances.
It may not be your fault that something happened. But it is 100% your responsibility to choose how to react and act. When you build this sense of accountability, you’ll find it easier to avoid anger, envy, and frustration. Instead, you’ll be able to focus on positive emotions and are more likely to be happier, successful, and enjoy healthier relationships.
5. Loving Yourself
You are your most valuable asset. When you love yourself, you find it easier to live your life on a more positive note. From dealing with stress to finding the good in the bad (or even ugly!) becomes so much easier. And who doesn’t want that!
While loving yourself is often used as a prerequisite for getting into a relationship with someone else, take it a step further and think of it as a prerequisite to living a life that’s happy and fulfilling.
6. Pursuing Meaningful Goals
Another common factor that make people happy according to research is the process of achieving important milestones: progress. Research also reveals that the more important and challenging these goals are, the happier we tend to feel with the progress we’ve made on them.
The art of pursuing meaningful goals does a whole lot for your self-esteem too. Which is crucial for your decision-making, your relationships, your emotional health, and your overall well-being.
Happiness May Not Be The
Ultimate Goal For Everyone
Now that we have discussed some of the common factors that make us happy, another critical question comes to mind is. Is happiness essential for a meaningful life, or are other things more important?
The society you live in seems to play a vital role in answering this question.
For instance, in some parts of the world, people don’t always have the luxury to think about what makes them happy. Rather than self-fulfillment, which often is encouraged in Western cultures, the focus may be on making ends meet our living up to other peoples’ expectations.
There are also many examples of people who stay in a relationship, job, or situation they don’t enjoy due to social status, money or limiting beliefs. One could argue that because happiness is so elusive, we sometimes end up chasing the wrong things. It’s for example a well-known fact that we don’t get happier as our society gets richer. In the pursuit of more, we often lose ourselves and forget what really matters.
Life Is About Experiencing The
Full Spectrum Of Emotions
So what does all of this tell us?
Well, it’s clear that it doesn’t exist one simple answer to what happiness is. Human beings are very persistent creatures that would like to be happy, for the most part, regardless of the culture we live in.
While science has defined different types of happiness and certain factors that affect our happiness, it all comes down to what you believe in. What success if life translates to for you, and whether you are living your life in a way that feels true to yourself.
And if you don’t feel happy all the time, don’t worry, it simply means that you’re human! Happiness is just one emotion. Other emotions, such as sadness, are also healthy and a natural part of life. Negative emotions can give us insights and even help us improve our life.
So, How Hard Is It To Be Happy Then?
Happiness can be easy or difficult to achieve, depending on how you look at it.
People look at happiness in two broad ways:
1. Happiness is something I choose, it’s something I create.
2. Happiness is something I find, it’s something that I must obtain.
Those who think happiness is more of a choice than anything else find it easier to be happy. It puts them in the driver’s seat, as they can make a particular choice that may lead to a specific result at any given moment.
This approach to creating happiness is empowering.
On the other hand, those who think happiness is something they will find via external factors, often end up disappointed. They may think that being with someone will make them happy, or that happiness is just a promotion away, etc. Once they get that something, they discover that it wasn’t what they wanted after all!
We’re Going Through The Unhappiest Times In History, But It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way
A recent study concluded that we’re going through some of the unhappiest times in history. With everything going on in the world, it’s common to feel bad about being happy while others are suffering. However, remember that we can feel different emotions at the same time and whatever you feel is valid!
Often we create our own suffering by making life unnecessarily complicated.
So, there’s no need to feel ashamed of pursuing happiness as your life goal. Remember that even during difficult times, we can and are allowed to create our little anchors of hope and happiness. Like a chat with a good friend or delicious Dalgona coffees!
After all, when we allow ourselves to live our truth, we are also able to give others the same kind of space, understanding, and support to grow on their respective paths.
More content like this? We will soon be publishing an article on How to Live a Happier Life. Meanwhile, find out Why You Won’t Get What You Want in Life.
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