One of the most common reasons why people are unhappy is because they aren’t living as their true selves.
It’s pretty crazy to think about since we have what we need already. Still, we often get stuck in fear – of what others should think, not reaching whatever objective, not being enough, and so on.
And we lose ourselves.
It’s incredible how exciting life becomes when we challenge the ways of how “it should” be lived. From simple things such as how you start your day and being more playful, to bigger areas like principles, relations, and career.
But for some of us, it can be tough to find our way to a life we love.
If you’re feeling lost and don’t know where to start, this article is for you. I’ll share some tips on how to figure out who you are and what you want from life, and how to go after it with courage and conviction. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.
Let’s get started!
What Does It Mean To Live Your True Self?

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash
Living as your true self is all about being authentic and true to who you are, regardless of what others might think.
It means:
- Being fearless and embracing different sides of your personality
- Being confident in your decisions, even if they’re not the popular ones
- Being honest about your feelings, and speaking up for what you believe in
- Honoring your values and sticking to them, even if it can be tough
- Being kind to yourself, even when you make mistakes
- No longer feeling like you have to pretend to be someone you’re not to fit in
- Feeling more content since you have a better sense of who you are and what you want
When you start to tap into your authentic self, your life transforms. It’s liberating. You’ll feel more at peace with yourself and the world around you.
How To Start Living As Your True Self
Photo by Cleo Vermij on Unsplash
To start living as your true self, you have to start by figuring out who you really are and what you want in life. That means quieting the noise of the world and getting in touch with your intuition.
It also involves a lot of unlearning and freeing yourself from stereotypes and expectations on how we are “supposed to” live our life.
Follow these steps:
- Figure out what your values are
- Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses
- Create an overview of what’s holding your back
- Create a plan
- Explore and experiment!
This can be done through a number of different practices, like meditation, journaling, reading, growing your network with new inspiring people, time in nature, or adventures outside of your comfort zone.What are your passions? What do you enjoy doing? These questions will help you figure out what you want. This won’t happen overnight, so enjoy the journey. 😉
It takes a lot of work and soul-searching. You have to figure out what matters to you and what makes you happy. And once you have that figured out, start living your life in accordance with those values.
Have fun as you’re exploring yourself! Try new things, act silly when and where you want to, and with whom you want to. Know that you aren’t required to rely on external factors for validation. You are you – and your different sides make you special.
How to Overcome Your Fears
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash
Living as your true self can be scary. It’s a huge change, and it’s natural to feel a little bit uneasy about it. Our daily lives consist of absorbing unrealistic expectations from media for what we should look like, how our relationships should be, and how we should spend our days, etc.
No wonder that many social media profiles are just presentations of who we think we should be and not reflections of who we really are. We’re just trying to fit in, be liked, and be accepted by other people, as we think no one would possibly like us for who we really are.
So how do you get past all this and learn how to just be yourself?
If you’re willing to face your fears, you can overcome them and make the transition to living your best life.
Four tips for overcoming your fears:
- Acknowledge your fear and understand why it’s holding you back.
- Make a list of the benefits of living as your true self.
- Visualize yourself living happily and confidently as your true self.
- Take small steps to make the transition easier.
The next step is to get rid of the things that are holding you back. Are there any negative thoughts or limiting beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your goals? If so, it’s time to let them go. The same goes for toxic relationships and negative people.
Once you’ve cleared the way, it’s time to start taking action. This is where the rubber hits the road, and it can be tough sometimes. But if you keep moving forward and taking small steps every day, eventually you’ll catch up to where you want to be.
How to Be Your True Self in Relationships
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
One of the most challenging aspects of living as your true self is being authentic in your relationships. This goes for all kinds of relationships – whether we’re talking friendship, intimacy or career.
It’s easy to get caught up in trying to be someone you’re not, especially when you’re trying to impress your boss, fit in with a new team or charm someone you find interesting or attractive.
If you’re not being authentic, you’ll not attract what you want.
Instead, you’ll end up “settling” to make something work. Over time, it will back fire. You’ll be less engaged, less motivated, and less creative. Just think about people in your network who constantly are complaining about their job or partner.
If you instead embrace who you are and understand what matters to you, you can start bringing those things and people into your life. As you get to know yourself better, it will also become easier to accept others and know when to walk away from things that don’t serve you anymore.
It can be helpful to find a community of people who can support and encourage you as you navigate this process. Others who also are focused on becoming the best version of themselves are usually more supportive, and you will probably need it.
Find What Works For You And Go For It
I know it can be difficult to take that first step, but I promise you it is worth it. When you’re authentically living your life, you’re happier and more fulfilled.
Remember, there is no one right way to do this – find what works for you and go for it.
It’s been a transformative journey for me, and I’m sure it will be for you too. Even if we don’t have everything figured out, let’s enjoy continuous exploration. ?
I hope this guide on how to live as your true self has been helpful. Questions or thoughts? Let me know in the comments!
Ready for the next step? Here’s how to design the life you’d like to live.
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