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Food & Drinks

Everything related to food and drinks. Such as best places to eat, restaurants, trends within gastronomy, and more.

The 2023 Cuenca Ecuador Guide (Everything You Need To Know)

The 2023 Cuenca Ecuador Guide (Everything You Need To Know)

Whether you’re a food lover, an adventure seeker, or someone who appreciates art and culture, Ecuador’s Cuenca has something to offer everyone.

This guide covers everything you need. From why you should visit Cuenca, where to stay, the best places to eat, where to go out, what to do, and how to best explore the outdoors.

The Best Places To Eat In Valencia

The Best Places To Eat In Valencia

The home of Paella is known for its delicious Mediterranean cuisine. Add exquisite wines, a cozy atmosphere, and a friendly community – no wonder Valencia’s food scene is booming.

Utiel-Requena: Gorgeous Wineries, Hotels and Experiences in Spain’s Underrated Wine Zone

Utiel-Requena: Gorgeous Wineries, Hotels and Experiences in Spain’s Underrated Wine Zone

With conditions perfect for producing some of the world’s best Cava and delicious Bobal, Utiel-Requena might be one of Spain’s best-kept secrets. People visiting wine destinations in Spain often prioritize areas like Rioja and Ribera del Duero. While these are gorgeous, Utiel-Requena presents a quality that competes on the same level. Here’s a complete overview of the region, including unique wineries, hotels and wine experiences.

Where To Eat Delicious Food On Morro de São Paulo

Where To Eat Delicious Food On Morro de São Paulo

Apart from gorgeous beaches, nightlife and vistas to remember, you’ll be spoiled with some amazing food on Morro de São Paulo in Bahia, Brazil. I’ve been twice, and the gastronomy is one of my favorite things about this paradise island.

Here are a few delicious restaurants that will have you asking for nothing else but more.

The Best Cafés in Cartagena (Where The Coffee Is Delicious)

The Best Cafés in Cartagena (Where The Coffee Is Delicious)

So you’ve made it to Cartagena, ready to explore. I’ve been twice and made sure to find the best cafés in town. You’re in one of the countries that produce most coffee in the world, after all. In terms of coffee, these cafes won’t leave you asking for anything more. Apart from possibly another one. 

The Best Summer Restaurants In Stockholm

The Best Summer Restaurants In Stockholm

In summer, Stockholm changes a lot. It’s almost like being in a different city. Everyone wants to be outside all the time. If you’re going to meet up with someone, expect to do so on a “mysig uteservering” (a cozy outdoor restaurant/bar/cafe).

Here are 8 summer restaurants in Stockholm to choose from when you’re in the mood for some alfresco dining. What they all have in common is great food and an ambiance that will make you want to stay for hours.

Must Visit – Food Destinations in Latin America

Must Visit – Food Destinations in Latin America

Latin America offers a great variation when it comes down to gastronomy. After 2 years in the area, I’ve discovered lots of great food destinations, so I compiled a list of some of the best. Hopefully these places will make you as happy as they’ve made me.


Wine tastes even better when surrounded by these views. Requena, Spain.


Soy Samira

Soy especialista en contenido de marketing, emprendedora, escritora, y viajera a tiempo completo.

Ayudo a organizaciones sin fines de lucro y marcas de estilo de vida y hospitalidad a crecer por medio de estrategias de contenido de marketing que generan óptimos resultados de tráfico, leads, y ventas.

No puedo imaginar mayor sentimiento de libertad que estar viviendo donde uno quiere, cuando quiere y haciendo lo que realmente disfrutas. Por ello, también ayudo a las personas a diseñar ese estilo de vida remoto con el que sueñan y los recursos que necesitan para ello.

Hasta ahora he visitado más de 50 países alrededor de los continentes ayudando a algunas de las más grandes empresas de estilo de vida y hospitalidad, así como también pequeños emprendimientos. He logrado inspirar a miles de personas a mejorar su experiencia de vida - y esto es sólo el comienzo.

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Wine tastes even better when surrounded by these views. Requena, Spain.

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